Science projects for preschoolers are a great way to include STEM education in your classroom. Combining fun with learning, preschool science activities help develop the skills of your little learners early on, giving them the developmental head start they need. Everyday Discoveries, by Sharon MacDonald, is a wonderful resource full of “amazingly easy” science experiments for kids that you can share with your students today!

Science projects for preschoolers are a great way to include STEM education in your classroom. Combining fun with learning, preschool science activities help develop the skills of your little learners early on, giving them the developmental head start they need. Everyday Discoveries, by Sharon MacDonald, is a wonderful resource full of “amazingly easy” science experiments for kids that you can share with your students today!
“Children are naturally curious, always seeking to find the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of life.” STEM education enriches this curiosity and allows children to explore their own understandings of the world while gaining crucial math and science concepts that can be applied to all areas of learning.
Below is one of many activities from Everyday Discoveries that you can use to encourage math and science growth in your classroom!
Ice Race
Interest Area:
Science & math principle:
- Teaches about cause and effect when they test inclines and materials.
Science & math skill:
- Develops observation skills.
Science & math attitude:
- Encourages children to keep an open mind about the results.
You need:
- Ice chest filled with ice cubes
- Metal cookie baking sheet, without sides
- Wooden board
- Cardboard gift-wrapping tube
- Large PVC pipe at least 3” (8cm) in diameter
- Sheet of Plexiglas
- Large tub or water table
- Basket
Questions you might ask:
- As the ice melted, did it slide faster or slower? Did it travel further?
- What would happen if ice had feet?
- Place all the ice in the water table (or tub).
- Put the wooden board, cardboard tube PVC pipe and sheet of Plexiglas in or near the basket and place the basket beside the table.
- The children experiment with each equipment piece to see which surface allows them to slide the ice the farthest and the fastest.
- This is an open-ended exploration activity. The children may discover that if they hold the equipment on an incline, the ice travels faster and farther; or that different equipment (surfaces) may allow the ice to travel faster (for example, ice will travel faster on Plexiglas than cardboard.) Also, the children may realize that the ice travels faster as it melts.
Modifications for younger children:
- Give the children lots of time to explore the ice.