Halloween can be a wonderful opportunity for parents and teachers to combine social and emotional learning with fall fun! The social development of a child is an important aspect of early childhood learning, and many Halloween activities can help promote this crucial part of childhood.

Halloween can be a wonderful opportunity for parents and teachers to combine social and emotional learning with fall fun! The social development of a child is an important aspect of early childhood learning, and many Halloween activities can help promote this crucial part of childhood.
According to Ellen Church Booth in her book Getting to the Heart of Learning, “research shows that the neural pathways needed for learning are actually constructed through positive interactions with others!” Young children can’t learn skills and form connections if they are isolated. Interacting with the real world and with children their own age will help them to eventually become well balanced, successful, and happy people.
Whether you host a classroom Halloween party for your students, engage them with creative fall crafts, or take your child to a local family-friendly Halloween carnival, allowing your child to express themselves and act on their natural curiosity about the world they live in, will only benefit them in the long run. Letting your little learners interact with the stimulating environment of Halloween, through costumes and other activities, will help them develop crucial social-emotional skills they can use for the rest of their lives.
For more information about social and emotional learning, check out Getting to the Heart of Learning by Ellen Booth Church!