What do you believe about children’s right to spend time in the outdoors? For the first time ever, more children are learning about nature virtually as opposed to actually experiencing it. Teachers are googling worms instead of going outside, digging a hole, and finding real worms. Take some time to reflect upon your own outdoor experiences. Where was your favorite to place to play? Whom did you play with? What kinds of stuff did you play with? Most of us recall fondly the loose parts of clothespins, sheets, old pots and pans, and hours and hours of uninterrupted play. Our days in the outdoors weren’t strictly monitored and carefully planned segments of time where adults were in charge. We learned social competency by living it. What are your visions and values for outdoors learning? Do you believe it is important for children to be outside to learn?
In loving memory of Gryphon House author Leanne Grace, MEd, we are sharing pieces of her inspirational writing every Wednesday. Leanne was the director of professional development at Hildebrandt Learning Centers and a lifelong advocate for early childhood education. She inspired the early childhood community to prepare children as lifelong learners with her ability to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. One person can make a difference, and Leanne did just that. She will be sorely missed.
Anna Wilmoth
Marketer. Publisher. Reporter. Educator. Mother. Runner. Explorer. Anna served as director of marketing for Gryphon House from Oct 2014 - May 2017.