
Zoo Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals


books about zoos, such as My Visit to the Zoo by

Aliki and Going to the Zoo by Tom Paxton


small building items, such as LEGO(R) blocks

small plastic animals


1. In an open play area, gather the children in a circle. Tell the children that they
will be playing a guessing game.
2. Explain that you will tell them some details about an animal, like its color,
shape, and where it lives, and that the children should guess what kind of
animal it is, based on that information. For example, "I am small and green. I
jump around. What am I?" The answer: frog.
3. After the children name the creature, turn on some lively music and encourage
them to move around like that creature until you shut the music off.
4. Repeat the activity, this time with a different animal. Here are some sample
* I have a beak and wings. I fly around. What am I? (bird)
* I have fins and scales. I swim around. What am I? (fish)
* I live in the jungle and swing from trees. I eat bananas. What am I?
* I have wings but no feathers. I hang upside down. What am I? (bat)
* I have a trunk and big ears. I am gray. What am I? (elephant)
* I have a long tongue and scales. I slither on the ground. What am I? (snake)
* I have beautiful wings. I eat nectar. What am I? (butterfly)
Consider the following:
* Can the children identify each animal?
* Can the children mimic the animals' movements?

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.