Wallpaper Artwork

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Sample wallpaper books


templates of shapes or ruler

glue or paste

large sheets of construction paper

markers, crayons, or watercolor paints


1. Cut out a variety of medium and large shapes from a wallpaper book using
templates, a ruler, or freehand.
2. Ask the children to choose a shape, glue it to a large piece of construction
paper, and use it as a base for an art project. For example, circles can
become faces or flowers; ovals can become airplanes, rockets, or spaceships;
rectangles can become buses; squares can become houses or buildings, and
so on.
More to do
Fine Motor: Wallpaper is a different consistency and can offer a new experience
to improve cutting skills. Make available a variety of sheets of wallpaper and ask
the children to cut and paste their own "abstract" artwork.

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