Wacky Spaceships

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6


Small Styrofoam bowls


Decorating materials such as pipe cleaners, coffee stirrers, and pompoms


Construction paper


Miniature store-bought flags, optional



What to do
1. Invite the children to cover the bowls with foil.
2. When they are finished, have the children turn the bowl upside-down so that it resembles a
spaceship. Invite the children to choose which materials they would like to use to decorate
their ship.
3. Help the children poke holes in the Styrofoam and insert the pipe cleaners or coffee stirrers.
Show them how to use glue to attach the pompoms.
4. Demonstrate how to make a small flag on paper, then attach it to a toothpick; as an alternative,
use miniature store-bought flags. Poke the toothpick flag into the Styrofoam to attach.
5. When their spacecrafts are almost finished, have the children spread glue sparingly over the
surface, then sprinkle with glitter.
More to do
Dramatic play: Invite the children to rummage through the dress-up clothes and pretend to be
Language: Play "What If?" and ask the children what they would say if a friendly alien landed his
spaceship on the playground and wanted to learn about the planet Earth.
More art: Cover a wall with black paper and add glittering star and planet stickers. Hang stars
from the ceiling. Spray a box with silver paint to use as a spaceship, then decorate.

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.