Treasure Bucket

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds


  • Scissors
  • Empty, well washed gallon bleach bottles
  • Hole punch
  • Permanent marker
  • Watercolor markers
  • Plastic clothesline, 12" (30 cm) for each bucket


What to do

1. Cut off the top of a bleach bottle to make a bucket shape (adult only).

2. Use a hole punch to make a hole on each side of the bucket. Make sure to place them exactly opposite of each other so the bucket will be balanced.

3. Attach the clothesline to the two holes to make a handle.

4. Write the child's name on the bucket with a permanent marker (adult only).

5. Encourage the children to use watercolor markers to decorate the buckets.

6. Use the buckets in the Construction Zone, outside, in the sand table, and wherever they are needed.

More to do

  • Games: Line up several buckets and encourage the children to try to toss beanbags into them.
  • Language and Math: Collect objects and put them into the buckets. Ask children to describe the items. With the children, count the objects. Arrange them in order of size from smallest to largest.
  • Math: In the sandbox, count how many measuring cups are needed to fill a bucket.


-Mary Jo Shannon, Roanoke, VA


1. Cut poster board into 12" (30 cm) diameter circles. Make one for each child.
2. Help each child print her name in the center of her circle.
3. Encourage the children to decorate their circles with a variety of items.
4. Laminate the circles or cover them with clear contact paper. (See illustration
on the next page.)
5. Use these "Sit-a-Pons" at Circle Time, so each child will have her own place.
More to do
Games: Turn the circles over on the floor and play "Musical Shapes." Use
different colors of poster board to play color games.
Literacy: Use the circles to practice name recognition.

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