Transition Warnings


  • None


What to do

1. Young children need to be reminded about routine.

2. Shortly before a transition, give the children a warning as to what is happening. This is especially true when it is almost time to clean up, have snack, or get ready to go outdoors.

3. Give the children simple directions for what to do next. For example, five minutes before it is time to cleanup, walk around the room and mention to the children that it is almost time to cleanup.

4. During cleanup, remind the children what needs to be done.

5. Tell the children what to do or where to go when they are finished cleaning up. For example, you might say, "When you are finished with the blocks, you may put your coat on to get ready to go outside."


-Sandy L. Scott, Meridian, ID


Attach the bolts and door knobs at toddler eye-level to walls and cabinet
doors, encouraging the children to experiment with pushing, pulling,
turning, touching, opening, and closing.
* A hasp is a fastener for a door or lid, consisting of a hinged metal strap
that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin or padlock.

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