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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds



Wrapping paper



Bows or ribbons


1. Gather a collection of toys and other items from around the room that vary
somewhat in size, shape, color, use, and so on and put them into a bag or
2. Sit in a circle with the children. Pass the bag around and ask each child to
retrieve one item from the bag.
3. Encourage the children to examine their item. Ask them to think about its
color, size, shape, texture, what it is used for, and so on.
4. Begin the game by calling out a characteristic of some of the items and then a
simple command (like in "Simon Says"). For example, "If it is round, pat your
head!" The children should look at their item and determine whether or not
to follow the command. At first, four-year-olds will have a tendency to follow
all commands, regardless of whether or not it's true of their item, so you will
have to remind them to wait for the next one if it does not apply to them.
They'll catch on after a few trials.
5. At first, focus on visual attributes, such as color and shape. As the children
begin to master the game, try some higher-level concepts. Examples include:
"If it's for drawing...," "If it could fit in your pocket...," "If it can roll..," or "If
you can build something with it..."
More to do
Play this game when doing various themes using theme-related items. For example,
when doing a theme on the Beach or Ocean, use items such as seashells,
sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, and so on. For a theme on "Transportation," use a
variety of play cars, trucks, planes, boats, and so on and use clues, such as "If it
goes on land..." Once the children really learn the game, ask them to take turns
giving clues to the other children.

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.