The Ants Go Marching

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6


  1. ants
  2. magnifying glasses
  3. chart paper
  4. paper
  5. markers


  1. Go outside with the children and look for anthills on the school grounds. Discuss the importance of approaching an anthill carefully, so they don't step on it or disturb it.
  2. When they find an anthill, ask the children to crawl carefully to it. They may lie on the grass or squat to look at the ants. Have the children watch the activity with and without magnifying glasses.
  3. Return to the classroom to discuss and chart their observations.
  4. Encourage the children to draw pictures of ants and label their parts (with help). Children can create ant stories too.


1. Ask a child's parent, grandparent, or friend to come in and talk about
mobility differences and the related equipment. If possible, have the visitor
demonstrate the techniques of using ramps when in a power chair scooter
or wheelchair.
2. If a visitor is not available, take a field trip to a medical equipment store for
demonstrations and comparisons between the types of chairs. Note the
varying amounts and sizes of wheels there are.
3. This is a great activity to do as a follow-up. Add one or more of the following
items to add to your transportation area: a scooter, wheelchair, walker, cane,
crutches, and ramp.
4. Explain each piece of mobility equipment and how it enables a person to get
from one place to another.
5. Encourage the children to explore the mobility equipment. Let them use
non-motorized equipment to move from one center to another. Make sure
the children understand the need to keep pathways between centers clear
so they can move through freely.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.