Straight and Curvy Numbers Book

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Learn Every Day About Numbers

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Learn Every Day About Numbers


craft sticks


card stock (6" x 6"; several per child)

glue sticks


plastic bags (10 per child)

number stickers (optional)


* Cut craft sticks into short pieces for numbers with straight lines, such as 1,
4, and 7.
* Cut yarn pieces for numbers with curved lines such as 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9.
The length will depend on how big you want the children to make the
numbers. For 6" x 6" card stock, make the yarn pieces 4" long.
* Put the craft sticks and yarn into individual bags. Prepare enough that there is
one bag per number per child.
What to Do
1. Let the children explore the craft sticks or yarn, forming them into numbers
(one per piece of card stock).
2. Ask the children to take the glue stick and "write" the number on the card
stock. Smaller children will need help with this.
3. Place the craft sticks or yarn over the glue, forming the number. Allow to dry.
4. When the pages are completely dried, staple two more pieces of plain card
stock to the front and back, forming a book.
5. The children can decorate the cover with stickers of numbers or draw them.
Write "My Number Book" on the cover if desired.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Bulky yarn works best for this activity.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
* Can the children recognize number "shapes"?
* Do the children understand the concepts of straight and curved?

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