Space Alien Slime

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The Budding Scientist

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The Budding Scientist

Make Your Own Slime!

Make some ishy-squishy ooze with this gross-tacular activity from The Budding Scientist.



  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • Food coloring
  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoon
  • 1/2-pound-size plastic margarine tub with lid, clean and dry
  • 5 teaspoons water
  • Wooden or sturdy plastic spoon


What to Do

1. Place cornstarch, water, and food coloring into the margarine tub.

2. Mix with a spoon until you have a thick paste. The mixture will be stiff.

3. Handle the mixture. What happens when you poke it? When you roll it? When you let it sit for a moment?

4. This "alien slime" mixture will stay fresh for two or three days in an airtight container.


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Depending on the children's skill level, you may choose to partially precut the
animal shapes.
What to Do
1. Help the children draw and cut out two identical animal shapes from a
brown grocery bag.
2. Decorate the front and back with animal features.
3. Place the two animal shapes together with paper clips and use a hole
punch to make holes about 2" apart around the edge of the animal.
4. Show the children how to use yarn to lace up their animal and leave an
opening for stuffing.
5. After they lace the animals up, the children can remove the paper clips and
stuff the animals with newspaper. Finish lacing up the stuffed animal and
tie the yarn ends together.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Use simple shapes, such as an oval, for the animal's body.
Consider the following:
* Can the children listen to and follow directions?
* Can the children use scissors to cut out animal shapes, and yarn to lace up
animal shapes?
* Can the children complete a three-dimensional project?