Snowball Math

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Learn Every Day About Seasons

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Learn Every Day About Seasons


cotton balls

plastic jar


l Cut three circles of varying size out of butcher paper (one set per pair of
l Cut several small black circles to serve as facial features and buttons.
l Consider making a model from which the children can work.
What To Do
1. Ask the children if they have ever built snow people before. Talk with the
children about what they need to do so.
2. Tell the children they will be building snow people inside today.
3. Show the children the paper cutouts and glue.
4. Separate the children into pairs. Give each pair a set of white circles in varying
sizes, as well as several smaller black circles.
5. Invite each pair of children to work together to build their snow person. Talk
about the order of the white circles, asking which is largest and smallest. Allow
the children to put the circles together in any way they like.
6. When the children have built their snow people, hang them together on the
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip s
l Use paint smocks. This activity is messy, but worth it.
l Consider providing real twigs for arms.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Do the children understand which season is best for making snow people?
l How well do the children work with their partners when making their snow

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