Snacking on Shapes

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Learn Every Day About Shapes

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Learn Every Day About Shapes


snacks in a variety of shapes (crackers for circle and cheese cubes for squares)



l Create a snack plate for each child that represents each shape that they are
learning about.
What to Do
1. Pass out the snack plates to each of
the children. Be sure to tell the
children not to try any of the
food on the snack plates until
you say so.
2. Engage the children in a
discussion about the shapes of
the snacks on their plates. Ask
the children to identify both the
names of the shapes and the names of
the foods.
3. Tell the children to find and eat the circle food that is on their plates. Observe
what food the children pick up to eat.
4. Continue in this manner until the children finish enjoying all the healthy snack
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Can the child name the foods he is eating?
l Can the child identify the shapes of the foods before eating them?

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