Slithering Snakes

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Learn Every Day About Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals


many shades of green paper

child-safe scissors

brown paper

old neckties

dowel rods (at least four)


child-safe craft glue or fusible webbing or

needle and thread

wiggle eyes

red felt


1. Talk with the children about different
animals that might make good pets.
Ask the children if they have any
pets at home.
2. Ask the children to name several
animals that would not make good
pets, and ask the children to
describe why those animals would
not make good pets.
3. Ask the children to describe
various attributes of their pets, or
of creatures they would like to have
as pets.
4. Take out several images of different pets. Cover the images and ask the
children to try and identify the pets, giving clues about the pets' attributes,
and showing the children some portion of the pet, such as a dog's tail or a
rabbit's ear.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* If they are able to do so, ask the children to give the clues for their friends to
guess their pet.
Consider the following:
* Can the children identify animals by their characteristics?
* Can the children identify animals that would not make good pets?

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.