Silver Polishing

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Science Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Science Activities for Children 3 to 6


Tartar-control toothpaste (not gel) or cream silver polish (toothpaste is non-toxic)Small plastic containers, such as empty catsup or mustard cups from a fast-food restaurant

Small sponge

Soft cloth for polishing

A tarnished silver spoon or small bowl

Apron or smock


1. Squeeze some toothpaste into the container.

2. Use the sponge to apply the toothpaste to the silver, pointing out the dark tarnish.

3. Rub and observe changes.

4. Polish with the cloth and observe the shine.

5. Children may work on the silver once you have demonstrated. One child should not be expected to complete the project. It requires a lot of patience and effort. Let each child clean and shine a spot or two, then all can enjoy the beauty of their joint effort. Although it seems a chore to adults, children love to see the magic as the dull, dirty surface begins to gleam.

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