Seasonal Sort

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6


  • poster board
  • markers
  • cutouts of different articles of clothing for all seasons


What to do

1. Use a marker to divide a piece of poster board into four equal sections. Write the name of a season in each square and draw or glue an item that is representative of the season (such as a snowman for winter, flowers for spring, beach ball for summer, and pumpkin for fall).

2. Ask the children to sort the cutouts of clothing by the seasons in which they are worn. For example, mittens are worn in the winter.

3. If desired, use doll clothes for this activity as well.


-Vicki Whitehead, Satsuma, AL


1. Ask parents to help their children gather flowers from their yards or choose
an inexpensive bouquet from the supermarket to bring to class. You may
also take the children into a field to pick wildflowers.
2. Put all of the flowers and greenery in the flower shop center. Cut stems that
are too long, if necessary. Talk about the flowers and floral arrangements with
the children.
3. At center time, give each child an unbreakable vase or glass. Ask them to fill
their containers 1/4 full of water and select flowers and greenery to make
arrangements. You may need to limit the amount per child.
4. Place floral arrangements in the hall, entrance, or foyer for everyone to see, or
place them in various locations around the classroom. Be sure to include the
child's name with the arrangement.
5. Encourage the children to view and smell the flowers. Invite other classes or
visitors to do so as well.
6. If desired, have the children deliver the arrangements to a local nursing
home. Or use the floral arrangements as centerpieces for a tea, luncheon, or
special program for parents.

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