Salt Crystal Prints

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6


1/4 cup (60 m

L) of Epsom salt

Shallow flat container such as a microwave snack tray

Warm water to dissolve the salt, about 1 cup (250 m


Liquid watercolor



What to do
1. Have the children stir Epsom salt and water in a small container until salt is dissolved.
2. Let the mixture stand until water evaporates. This process takes several days.
3. When a crystal has formed, invite the children to examine it.
4. The children can squeeze several eyedroppers of liquid watercolor on the crystal, then place a
piece of construction paper on top of the crystal and watercolor.
5. Show them how to press down gently, then lift the paper and see the colorful imprint of the
crystal on their paper.
More to do
More art: Make greeting cards and decorate with the imprint of the crystal.
Science: Talk to children about other common crystals, such as salt and ice and sugar. Give them
samples to examine.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.