Recycle to Make a New Toy

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Learn Every Day About Our Green Earth

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Learn Every Day About Our Green Earth


scissors (adult use only)

small plastic bottles


strips of paper


decorating materials


aluminum foil



1. Show the children pictures of trees and engage them in a discussion about
trees. Discuss how animals live in trees, how we eat food from trees, and how
we harvest trees for wood.
2. Point out the parts of a tree: trunk, leaves, branches, bark, roots, and so on.
3. Take the children on a walk to visit a live tree. Ask them to identify the parts of
the tree. Look for animals in
and around the tree.
4. Encourage them to describe
what the tree looks, smells, and
feels like.
5. Ask the children what that spot
would be like without the tree.
6. Back in the classroom, set out
the various leaves and invite
the children to draw outlines of
them on paper, make leaf
rubbings, or to try and draw
portraits of the leaves.
Consider the following:
* Can the children look at a picture of a tree and identify the leaves and the
* Gather the children around a picture of a tree and ask them to point out the
trunk, branches, leaves, and any other visible parts of the tree.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.