Recycle at Home and in the City

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Learn Every Day About Social Studies


book about recycling

4 large plastic containers or bins

variety of child-safe and clean recyclable and

non-recyclable objects


1. Discuss the seasons with the children, using the picture-word cards for winter,
summer, spring, and fall.
2. Take a seasonal card from the bag and ask the children to identify the picture.
Discuss when this item or activity would happen: spring, summer, winter, or
3. Place the picture-word cards on the rug face-up and turn out the lights. Ask a
child to shine the flashlight on the right season card. Then ask another child to
put the seasonal picture under the correct heading.
4. Invite another child to draw a new card from the bag.
5. Ask her to name the picture and shine the flashlight on the correct heading.
6. Invite another child to place the picture in the correct category. If the card is
placed in the wrong slot, discuss the choice with the children and help them
see the correct placement.
The Seasons by Susan Oldham Hill
Winter, summer, spring and fall.
What's the best one of them all?
Summer heat and winter snow;
Leaves that fall and flowers that grow.
Winter, summer, spring and fall.
What's the best one of them all?
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Can the children differentiate between the seasons?
l Are the children able to match images to the correct seasons?
l Can the children recite the rhyme?

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.