Puppet Theater

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The Budding Builder

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The Budding Builder

Puppet Theater Play

The show's the thing! Build your own puppet theater, and put on plays for family and friends.

What You'll Need

What to Do

  1. Ask an adult to cut a window in one side of the box, removing the upper half of that side. Leave the top and other three sides intact.
  2. Ask the adult to cut a door on the opposite side nearest the floor. The door should be large enough for you to crawl through easily.
  3. With the tape, hang the sheet or fabric from the inside of the top of the box, in front of the window. This creates your puppet stage. (You may need an adult to help you with this step.)
  4. Decorate the outside of your theater in any way you choose: color pictures on it, or cut out shapes from the construction paper to glue onto your theater. Make a sign for your theater, and glue it to the front.
  5. Use your theater to put on a puppet show for your friends and family.

Books to Enjoy

Jeremy and the Enchanted Theater by Becky Citra
Out and About at the Theater by Bitsy Kemper
The Unlikely Princess Puppet Theater by Elizabeth Goodwin


No-Cook Playdough bowl
1 cup cold water 1 cup salt
2 teaspoons vegetable oil brown tempera paint
3 cups flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch
* In a bowl, mix water, salt, oil, and enough tempera paint to make brown.
* Gradually add flour and cornstarch until the mixture reaches the consistency
of bread dough.
p r E pA r At i o n
* Have all ingredients and materials ready.
* Read a book about porcupines with the children.
What to Do
1. Have the children assist in making playdough.
2. Take turns pouring, stirring, and kneading the dough.
3. Give each child toothpicks and about half a cup of playdough.
4. Ask the children to place the playdough on the table and mold an egg-shaped
5. Have the children push toothpicks into the playdough to make quills. Have
the children glue on two wiggle eyes.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Use blunt-tipped toothpicks.
Consider the following:
* Can the children measure and help make playdough?
* Can the children identify a porcupine and its quills?