Puppet House

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Empty cardboard egg carton

X-acto knife (adult only)

wooden ice cream spoons or jumbo craft sticks


paper and fabric scraps

craft supplies such as pompoms, yarn, and wiggly eyes




1. Prior to doing this activity, remove and discard the lid of an egg carton. Cut
the carton in half so you have six cups. Turn it bottom side up and slit each
cup to hold a jumbo craft stick or ice cream spoon. It is a good idea to do
this without the children because X-acto knives are not developmentally
appropriate or safe for young children.
Note: Spray the carton with sanitizing spray to assure no bacteria is spread to
the children.
2. Encourage the children to create puppets using the wooden spoons or craft
sticks. Provide markers, paper and fabric scraps, craft supplies, scissors, and
glue. Help as needed.
3. Model how to stick the puppets in the slot of the egg carton to serve as a
house for the puppets.
4. This activity can be done in conjunction with a family theme (they can make
puppets to represent each member of their families) or the children can read
a story, create puppets to represent key characters, then tell and retell the
story using their own puppets.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.