Outdoor Time




What to do

1. Spread a blanket on a soft area on the ground and enjoy some outdoor time with one baby or a small group of babies.

2. Point out things like birds, butterflies, trees, grass, and so on.

3. If the baby is crawling, lie on one side of the blanket, spread out your arms, and encourage the baby to crawl to you.


-Jean Potter, Charleston, WV


1. When a child enrolls in your program, have the children and parents
visit the school ahead of time.
2. At their visit, invite the parents to bring a special item or two from
home (blanket or toy) on the child's first day of school. Also ask them to
bring a family photograph.
3. Designate a special place for the items that is accessible to the children
any time they want.
4. If the children are older toddlers, let them use their family photographs
to make a special memento. Help them glue the picture onto a piece of
construction paper or tagboard. Let them decorate around it. Post them
on a bulletin board at the children's eye level, so they can see their
families whenever they wish.

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