Old Fashioned Bread and Butter

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6


  1. ingredients to make bread
  2. bread-making machine or oven
  3. clean glass jar
  4. heavy cream
  5. pictures of pioneer living (optional)
  6. Little Red Hen story


1. Ask the children if they know how bread is made or how butter is made. Explain that ways of life continue to change. For instance, there are many machines that have been invented in the past few hundred years, and many more are invented every day. Tell them that people used to grow and raise their own food and did not have grocery stores to buy everything.
2. Tell the children that they are going to make their own bread and butter. While they will learn a little more about how things used to be done, it will be much easier for them than pioneers (who had to grow the wheat and milk the cow!).
3. Ask the children to wash their hands. Put out bread-making ingredients (use any favorite recipe) and heavy cream.
4. Encourage the children to measure and mix the ingredients for homemade bread while they take turns shaking a jar filled with heavy cream. The cream will thicken and turn to butter right in front of them!
5. Bake the bread and serve with fresh butter.
6. Read the story The Little Red Hen as children eat.

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