Musical Lily Pads


carpet squares, mats, or cushions (one for each child)

CD or tape of lively music


1. Invite each child to take two blocks, and then have the children sit in a
2. Tell the children what story you will be reading. Ask them to bang their
blocks together during certain parts of the story. For example, if the
story is "The Three Little Pigs," then the children can bang the blocks
softly three times when the little pigs are mentioned, and one loud time
when the wolf is mentioned. This will help with word recognition and
with counting.
3. Demonstrate banging the blocks together, then have the children
practice a few times before beginning the story.
4. Begin to read the story, going slowly through the parts where the
children will be banging their blocks. If needed, say "bang, bang, bang"
to cue the children to bang their blocks.

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