Mother's Day Munch Book

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities For Children 3 to 6


  • recipe books
  • copy paper
  • colored pencils
  • thin black markers
  • stapler


What to do

* Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

1. At circle time, ask the group if they know what special day is coming up. Lead them to Mother's Day and talk about the meaning of the holiday. Explain that it is nice to give mothers a gift on that day.

2. Show them a few recipe books. Talk about what they are for and how they are used.

3. Explain that they are going to make their own class recipe book to give to their mothers (or someone special) on Mother's Day.

4. Place the recipe books in the dramatic play area for future play.

5. One by one, ask each child what her mother's favorite food is. Have each child draw a picture of it using colored pencils.

6. Ask each child to dictate how the food is made.

7. Write down their recipes. You will be tickled by the creative ways that young children decide food can be made.

8. When all the children have dictated a recipe, make a cover for the book. It could be called "_______ Class's Mother's Day Munch Book."

9. Make enough copies for each child and staple them into a book.

10. Send the books home for the children to share with their mothers on Mother's Day.


-Ann Kelly, Johnstown, PA

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