Let's Learn About Money

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Coins (pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters) sturdy paper and tape magnifying glass crayons with paper torn off


1. Here are a few ways for children to become familiar with the names and values of different coins.* Provide a container of coins and a container for sorting (egg cartons, muffin tins, divided dish).* Encourage the children to sort the coins by color, size, or denomination.* Tape each kind of coin to a sturdy piece of paper and write the name of the coin and how much it is worth next to each coin.* Demonstrate how to make rubbings of the coins using the flat side of unwrapped crayons.* Hide a certain number of one kind of coin in your sandbox. Ask the children to find them (tell them how many to look for). When they are done, ask them if they can count the coins.* Talk about each coin at group time.* Put a few of each type of coin at the science table along with a magnifying glass or two. Encourage the children to examine the coins.

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