In the Neighborhood

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6


  • White construction paper, 8" x 10" (20 cm x 25 cm)
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • 1 large piece of poster board or cardboard
  • Glue
  • Sponges, cut into small rectangles


What to do

1. Give the children markers and construction paper, and have them draw pictures of their homes.

2. Have the children cut their houses out of the drawings. If they have included other things in the drawings, such as people and pets, cut those out too.

3. Follow the next set of directions in order to assemble the neighborhood on a large piece of poster board or cardboard.

4. First, have the children choose several houses to be in the back row. They should glue these down in a straight line near the top of the cardboard, leaving some room to make the sky.

5. Then have them choose some houses for your next row. Glue a small sponge to the back of each, and let them dry. After they are dry, glue them in front of the first row.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the rest of the houses, until you have used them all.

7. Have the children draw some clouds, rainbows, the sun, birds, etc. Cut these out and glue a small sponge to the back of each. Have the children glue them to the sky portion of the scene.

8. Glue a piece of sponge on the back of any people the children have drawn and cut out. Glue these people to the very bottom of the neighborhood scene.


More to do

Field trip: Take the class on a walking field trip through the neighborhood.


-Virginia Jean Herrod, Columbia, SC

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