Harriet Tubman

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Trail mix ingredients (see activity)

large bowl and mixing spoon



outlines of the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania


1. Celebrate Harriet Tubman's birthday, which is March 10. Explain to the
children that she was born a slave in 1820 and worked hard all her young
life. She could not play or go to school, and she was very sad. One day she
decided that she wanted to be free, so she planned her escape. Her family
was too scared to go with her, but her father taught her things to help her find
her way north. He told her about the sky and the North Star (the brightest
star in the Little Dipper). He also taught her many things about the
wilderness, such as how moss grows on the north side of trees. Harriet
escaped to Philadelphia from Maryland, where she became free and very
happy. Harriet went back to the South 13 times and rescued more than 300
people from slavery.
2. Make trail mix for the freedom trail. Mix an assortment of dry cereal, raisins,
nuts, M&Ms, sunflower seeds, pretzel sticks, and dried fruit in a large bowl.
Put half-cup servings on large napkins or paper towels and wrap them up.
3. Pin the two outlines (one of Maryland and one of Pennsylvania) in two different
areas. The children will begin in Maryland and end up in Pennsylvania.
4. Choose one child to role play Harriet Tubman, and the other children will be
the escapees or Freedom Seekers.
5. Turn off the lights and give Harriet Tubman the flashlight. Ask her to point the
flashlight up toward the ceiling (the sky). The flashlight will be the North Star.
Have Harriet and the Freedom Seekers go quietly and swiftly toward the
outline state of Pennsylvania.
6. Harriet should go back at least two to three times to get more Freedom Seekers.
Related poem
Harriet Tubman by Patricia Murchison
Harriet Tubman was a real go-getter,
She rescued her people so life would be better.
Life without Harriet wouldn't be the same,
Harriet Tubman was her name.
She traveled by night and not by day,
The stars in the sky lead the way.

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