Give-a-Hand Bookmarks

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6


  • Pencils
  • Scissors
  • Poster board
  • Pens
  • White paper
  • Tempera paint
  • Lids from margarine tubs
  • Glue


What to do

1. Have each child trace one handprint on a piece of poster board and cut it out. If there are more than 12 children doing this activity, you will need each child to cut out two handprints.

2. Next, invite the children to go around and get their hands autographed, front and back, by the other children. Explain to the children that they are to sign their name on one of the hand's fingers. Nine other children can sign the fingers and two can sign the palm.

3. Make bookmarks by cutting paper into rectangles that are 8" x 3" (20 cm x 8 cm). Write the word "Thanks" in dots on each bookmark.

4. When all the hands have been signed by the other children, give out the bookmarks.

5. Pour some paint in margarine lids.

6. Have the children dip their thumbs in the paint and press over the dots of each letter in Thanks.

7. When the bookmarks are dry, have the children glue them to the bottom of the hands.

8. Give these bookmarks as gifts to people who have volunteered in your classroom or to community helpers in your town.


-Kathy Brand, Greenwood Lake, NY

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