Food Riddle Book

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


6 1/2 " x 3 5 1/8" envelopes



colored pencils

3" x 5" cards

laminate, optional

hole punch

metal rings


1. This is great to do after finishing a unit on food. Discuss what a riddle is and
do a few with the children.
2. On the front of an envelope, write "My Food Riddle" at the top. Then write
three things describing the food without telling what it is. For example, the
envelope could look like this:
My Food Riddle
I am juicy.
I am red.
I have skin on me.
What am I?
By __________
3. Encourage the children to guess what the food is. Then give the children
envelopes to make their own riddles, helping them as needed.
4. Give each child a plain index card to color a picture of the food. Help the
child write what the food is (for example, "I am an apple"). The children
place it inside the envelope.
5. Laminate the envelopes (if desired). Punch a hole in the corner of each
envelope and place a metal ring through it.
6. Combine the class riddle envelopes to make a food riddle book. Read the
book to the class. The children have a great time guessing the food riddles.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.