Flying Fish

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds


Easel size newsprint, 2 pieces per child



Markers12" (30 cm) pipe cleaner, one per child



1. Discuss the three ways plants grow: from cuttings, bulbs, or seeds.

2. With the children, make a cutting from a geranium plant.

3. Place the cutting in a container of water for a few weeks to let roots form.

4. Pour potting soil into a flowerpot and transplant the cutting.

5. Enjoy a new plant in the classroom. Encourage the children to help care for the plant.More to do:Art: Make tempera flower pictures using little fingers to make the blooms.

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.