Fingerpaint Collages

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Art & Craft Activities for Children 3 to 6



Two dishpans

Fingerpaint paper


Small bowl of water

Fingerpaints, such as liquid tempera mixed with liquid starch


Bath or paper towels

Art paper


Crayons, markers, or pencils




What to do
1. Fill one dishpan with soapy warm water and the other with clear warm water. Place the towels
next to the dishpans. Have the children put on their smocks.
2. Supply each child with a sheet of fingerpaint paper, shiny side facing up. Have the children dip
the sponge in the bowl of water and wipe their paper with the sponge to wet it.
3. When the children have finished, place two tablespoons of paint in the center of each paper.
Invite the children to paint a design or pattern with their fingers, covering the entire sheet of
paper. The paint will begin to dry in about five minutes.
4. Have the children wash their hands in the dishpans.
5. When the children are finished and back at their seats, distribute the art paper. Show the children
examples of collages, such as the illustrations in Eric Carle's The Very Quiet Cricket and The
Grouchy Ladybug.
6. Have the children draw a large shape on their paper.
7. Help the children cut their fingerpaintings into small pieces and glue them onto their drawing.
Encourage them to fill in the shape completely.
More to do
More art: Draw a background for the collage paintings using felt-tip pens. Cut the shape out and
punch a hole, then attach yarn or string for hanging.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.