- Beans
- Small plastic container with a lid (small enough to be concealed in a child's hand)
What to do
1. Ask the child to sit in a circle.
2. Choose one child to be "It." Ask "It" to leave the circle and stand so that she cannot see you or the other children.
3. Put a couple of beans into the container and put the lid back on. Give the container to a child to conceal in her hand.
4. Ask all the children to hold their hands balled up in fists in front of them.
5. The children shake their hands, while the child who is "It" tries to locate the hand making the sound.
-Mary Jo Shannon, Roanoke, VA
1. Peel the bananas (with the children's help, if desired).
2. Cut each banana in half lengthwise. Place each banana half on a plate, flat
side down. Give one to each child.
3. Ask the children to spread peanut butter on the banana.
4. Give each child four round, wafer-style cookies. Demonstrate how to place
two cookies on each side to make wings.
5. Eat your butterflies!
Related book
The Butterfly Alphabet Book by Brian Cassie