Dazzling Quetzal Bird

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Science Activities for Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Science Activities for Children 3 to 6


3" x 5" (7.5 cm x 15 cm) index cards Pattern of quetzal bird

Pencil White drawing paper

White glue Green glitter

Short white feathers Long green feathers7 mm wiggle eyes

Markers: yellow, light green, orange, red, brown, dark green


1. Put one line of information on each of several index card. A child picks a card and the teacher reads the information, for example: quetzal birds live in the Central American and Mexican rain forests; quetzal birds are very colorful; male quetzals are the brightest color; fathers take their turn sitting on eggs; quetzals nest in holes in trees; the green quetzal tail feather is two feet long; the quetzal is pictured on the stamps and coins of Guatemala; the male quetzal jumps off the branch backwards to fly; only Aztec Indian noblemen were allowed to decorate their clothes with green quetzal feathers; quetzals catch falling fruit or insects to eat.

2. Before you start this project, find a good picture of a quetzal bird to use as a pattern. Then trace the pattern onto sheets of white paper, one for each child, and help them make their own quetzal puppets.

3. Color the feet with pencil.

4. Color yellow on the head crown and beak.

5. Color the breast red first, then orange on top of the red.

6. Color the side feather wing area with a light green marker.

7. Trace the head and v-shaped neck with dark green, then cover the center of the head with white glue and sprinkle on green glitter.

8. Glue on the eyes.

9. Glue the white and green feathers together for the tail feathers.

10. Glue the top half of the white feather to form the quetzal tail at the base of the drawing.More to doMath: Children sort feathers by size and count them.More science: Find Guatemala on the globe; find Mexico. * Visit a bird aviary. * Show the children pictures of various birds. Discuss the variety of colors and shapes.The Male Quetzal BirdThe quetzal bird is very bright green.He is the most unusual bird you've ever seen.His two green feathers hang low below the limbOn which he is sitting, viewing the trees around him.When he goes in a hole that is his nest in a tree.The tip of his tail feathers you can still plainly see.When he wants to soar high in the blue, blue skyHe has to fall backward before he can fly.An orange-red breast and yellow feather crown has he.The male quetzal bird is the crown jewel of bird royalty.

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