Color Words Songbook

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Words to color songs


construction paper in colors matching the songs

glue stick



binding machine or hole punch and yarn


1. Have you ever wondered what to do with those cute color songs that
reinforce the spelling of color words? Make a booklet of all the songs.
2. Using your computer, print the words to each color song on separate pages.
3. Glue each song copy to a sheet of construction paper of the same color,
leaving a border showing around all four sides.
4. Cut the colored pages of the book to different lengths, each 1/2 " longer than
the preceding page, to create a rainbow effect with bands of each color
showing at the bottom.
5. Make a front cover 1/2 " shorter than the first page and a back cover 1/2 " longer
than the last page.
6. Laminate the pages and the covers.
7. Align the booklet pages and covers at the top, ensuring that the bands of
color of each page are unobstructed when the booklet is closed.
8. Bind the booklet at the top, using a binding machine or hole punch and yarn,
with the shortest page first and each progressively longer page following so
that each color is showing.
9. The children love having this book available. They can quickly turn to the
color they want to sing and their spelling skills are enhanced as well.

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.