Box Kites

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Brown paper lunch bags scissors markers crayons glitter sequins gluestreamers cut into 12" to 15" lengths stapler string tape


1. Place the materials in the middle of a low table. Gather a group of about four to six children to sit at the table.

2. Explain the directions first, while preparing a demonstration kite, if desired.

3. Ask the children to cut off the bottom of the paper bag, and then open the bag.

4. At this point, the children may wish to decorate their bags using crayons, markers, sequins, glitter, and so on.

5. Let them choose six streamers and staple them around one open end of the bag.

6. For each child, cut a piece of string about 3-5 feet long or longer, if desired. Help the children tape or staple their string to the end of the paper bag opposite from the streamers.

7. Let the children take the kites outside and fly them.

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