Blowing Bubbles

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Plastic straws scissors mild dish detergent and water or commercial bubble mixture plastic container


1. Although this activity seems too simple to be interesting, the children love it. It is a great outdoor activity, especially on a sunny, breezy day. It helps develop fine muscle coordination and breath control.

2. Ahead of time, prepare straws by cutting them in half and cutting 1/2" slits in one end. (This helps hold the liquid and identifies which end goes into the liquid.) Prepare bubble mixture by mixing mild dish detergent with water (about 2 tablespoons soap to 1 cup of water). Or you can use commercial bubble mixture.

3. Check to make sure that children understand how to blow instead of suck through the straw. Explain that the uncut end goes between the lips. Ask them to blow (without bubbles) and feel the air as it escapes.

4. Ask them to dip the cut end into the liquid and blow. (Several children can share one plastic container if you use margarine tubs.)5. Encourage them to blow gently and watch the bubble form.

6. What happens if they blow harder?7. Challenge them to try to make a very big bubble by blowing as gently as they can.

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