Block Mania

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Learn Every Day About Numbers

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Learn Every Day About Numbers


blocks: wooden, cardboard, foam, colored, alphabet, unit

accessories: traffic signs, stores, people and animal figures



number cards


* Create a project sharing form that the children will fill out. The form should
say, "I built a(n) _________ and used ______ (number) blocks." Leave room
for the children to draw their object. Copy enough forms for each child.
What to Do
1. Designate a space for the block structures that the children will create. In the
block area, provide a variety of blocks. Include traffic signs, stores, people, and
animal figures in your block area.
2. Tell the children that it is time for Block Mania. Give the children plenty of
time to explore the materials.
3. When the children, in groups or individually, have created a structure they
want to keep for a while and share with others, they can use the project
sharing form. Help the children fill out the form.
4. Have the children give a name to their block structure. Help the children write
their names on the form.
5. Have the children count the blocks they used and write that number on the
form using the models provided. Place the block structure in a special area.
6. Keep the children's creations on display that week, so they can look and share
with one another.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
* When given a number of objects, can the children count out 10 of them?
* When given written examples of the numbers 1 to 10, can the children copy
the numbers?

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