Balance Beam for Toddlers


colored masking tape or several phone books and tape


To make an hourglass (adults only)
1. Fill one of the bottles with sand
to about 3" from the top of
the bottle.
2. Invert the second bottle
onto the top of the
bottle with the sand
(the mouth opening
of one bottle
touches the mouth
opening of the
second bottle) and
secure very well and
carefully with duct tape.
You will need to wrap the
bottles several times.
3. Center the wooden squares on
the bottoms of each bottle and
glue with a glue gun. Use enough glue so
that the connections are very strong. This will help to support the
weight of the sand every time the "hourglass" is turned over.
To use the hourglass for cleanup time, do the following:
1. Several minutes before cleanup time, tell the children, "I am going to
turn the hourglass over. When the sand runs out, it will be time to
clean up."
Note: Keep the hourglass within sight of the children but out of
their reach.
2. Turn the hourglass over and let the countdown begin! This provides
children with a visual clue for when cleanup will begin the hourglass
is tangible and concrete.

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