Animal Alphabet Parade: Little Lobster

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Picture of lobster pot real lobster shell or plush toy box seashells small plastic fish or other sea animals


1. Have a discussion about lobsters. Explain that lobsters are crustaceans. Name other crustaceans, such as a crab.

2. Show a plastic model, plush toy, or real shell of a lobster. Also show a model or picture of a lobster pot or trap. Tell the children that lobsters are greenish-black when alive in the water, but turn red when cooked.

3. Discuss other kinds of sea life, and show pictures.

4. Talk about the food lobsters eat such as starfish, mollusks, or dead sea creatures.

5. Make a sea life surprise box. Put seashells and small plastic models (or pictures) of fish, lobster, crab, and jellyfish into a box. Let the children take turns reaching into the box to get something and then show it. Count the objects when finished.

6. Make or purchase felt sea life shapes.

7. Make math problems for the children to solve, such as 2 seashells + 1 lobster = _______________.

8. If possible, take the children to an aquarium to see a live lobster.

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