All About Me Flowers

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


A wooden kitchen spoon for each child green, yellow, red, and blue tempera paints small paintbrushes petal-shaped woodsies or other small woodcraft pieces small plastic or wood beads glue plastic flower tray Styrofoam


1. Give each child a wooden kitchen spoon. Ask them to paint it green to represent the stem of a flower. Let dry.2. Give each child eight petal-shaped woodsies or woodcraft pieces. Let them paint them any color they choose. Let dry.3. While the pieces are drying, ask each child to tell you something nice about each of his classmates. This should be done in private, since children often copy each other's answers when interviewed in a group setting. If the class is large, you can ask each child to tell about certain other children instead of the whole class, making sure you have at least six nice statements about each child.4. Using the interview results, print the nice words about each child on his flower petal pieces. Don't print sentences, instead, pick out key words from the children's interviews. For example, if a child says, "Heidi is nice," then print "nice" on the petal. Continue until each of the six petals has a word written on it.5. Help the children glue their flower petals to the back of the bowl of the spoon. This will be the bloom of the flower.6. Ask the children to glue four to six small plastic or wood beads to the center of the spoon bowl to represent the center of the flower.7. Ask them to glue two of the petal shapes to the handle of the spoon to represent leaves on the flower. Let dry.

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