Action Animal Consonants

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Learn Every Day About Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals


hazard cones or masking tape

poster board

colored markers


1. Ask the children to form a line.
2. Announce that you're going to have an animal parade.
3. Tell them that you will call out an animal and that you want them to act like
that animal as they move around the room.
4. Turn on the music, and get the parade started.
5. Continue to call out animals until the music ends.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* To calm the group back down, make the last animal a quiet one, such as a
mouse, rabbit, and so on.
Consider the following:
* Make various animal sounds (hoot, hiss, howl), and ask the children to
identify which animals they belong to.
* Ask the children to name several animals that are quiet. Ask them to name
several that are loud.

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