Weighty Block Building


empty milk and juice cartons

scissors (adult only)

small boxes


spoons or small child-size plastic shovels

packing tape

colored contact paper


1. During the day, talk with the children about cowboys and cowgirls. If
possible, read one of the books (see suggestions below) about cowboys
and cowgirls.
2. When it is time for naptime, tell the children they are going to nap
"cowboy" style.
3. Give each child a pillowcase. Help them stuff their pillowcases with old
clothes or other soft, clean material.
4. Help the children fold the opening of the pillowcase over so the stuffing
doesn't fall out.
5. Ask the children to pretend to take off their cowboy hats and boots and
place them on the floor nearby.
6. Have the children get their blankets and lay them on their sleeping
mats. Help the children pull the blankets up to their chins and tuck the
sides around them.
7. Dim the lights and play soft western-style music.

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