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Trash Pick Up and Recycling

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Learn Every Day About Social Studies


6 small wastebaskets (or plastic ice cream buckets)

6 "recycling bins" (plastic colored storage bins or


1 larger garbage can

1 plastic milk crate


crumbled tissues

objects for recycling such as paper, aluminum, plastic, and so on


l Glue onto card stock the large pictures of
various professionals (construction worker,
doctor, firefighter, mail carrier, police officer,
and so on). Do the same with the smaller,
matching pictures.
l Laminate all the pictures. Cut the large
pictures into several puzzle pieces.
What To Do
1. Display the small pictures of the various
professionals, and ask the children to identify
2. Show the children the larger pictures cut into
puzzle pieces.
3. Pair the children together and have them take
turns putting the profession pictures together,
referring to the small, uncut pictures if they
need help. Encourage the children to use
positional words to help one another describe
where the various puzzle pieces belong.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Can the children identify the names of the professions in the pictures?
l Can the children work together to put the profession puzzles together

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