Tiger Counting

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Learn Every Day About Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals


hula hoop

several stuffed toy tigers


1. Let each child choose his favorite
color of construction paper.
2. Help the child cut out a crayon top shape and
a rectangle for the bottom of a crayon.
3. Cut a piece of 12" x 18" construction paper in
half lengthwise to create a "crayon wrapper."
4. Encourage the children to decorate their "crayon
wrappers" with things about themselves (for
example, their families and pets, favorite foods
and toys, and so on). They can draw pictures or cut
out and glue pictures from magazines.
5. When finished, ask the children to glue the crayon top to the top of the
wrapper. Let them glue their photos on the crayon top. If photos are not
available, children can draw a picture of themselves on the crayon top.
6. Ask the children to glue the base of the crayon at the bottom of the wrapper,
and attach pipe cleaners to the back to make arms and legs.
More to do Home-to-School Connection: At the beginning of the year, this can be a "get
to know me" activity. Send the wrappers home for children to decorate with
their family members. Explain that the drawings on the crayon should describe
the child, such as favorite foods and hobbies, places the child has been, and
who lives in the house. When the children bring the wrappers back to school,
they can add the top, bottom, arms, and legs. Encourage the children to share
what is on their crayons with the class during a show and tell time. Display the
finished "crayon people" on a bulletin board for all to see and talk about.

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