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Spring Flowers


  • coffee filters (flattened)
  • washable markers
  • spray bottle
  • wood paint stirrers (available at home improvement or paint stores)
  • green paint
  • green construction paper
  • child-safe scissors
  • glue


What to do

1. Give the children flattened coffee filters and invite them to use markers to draw designs or pictures on them.

2. Show them how to use a spray bottle of water to spray their finished coffee filters. The colors will run together.

3. Lay the filters on a flat surface next to a sunny window to dry.

4. Help the children paint wood paint stirrers green (to make "stems"). Allow to dry.

5. Help the children cut leaves from green construction paper.

6. Help the children glue their coffee filter flowers on the stems and add the leaves.


-Jean Potter, Charleston, WV


1. Cut each poster board into three simple "puzzle" pieces.
2. Place the pieces around a large room or outside play yard in plain sight.
3. Group the children into pairs and let them take turns racing each other
to collect all the pieces of one color and put them together.

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