Sidewalk Shapes

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Learn Every Day About Shapes

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Learn Every Day About Shapes


chalklarge expanse of sidewalkindex cardsmarkerssmall bag or envelopebucketspaintbrushes


l Make shape cards for a circle, triangle, square, and a rectangle. Place thesecards in a small bag or envelope.What to Do1. Help the children draw four of each of these shapes on the sidewalk withchalk: circle, triangle, square, and rectangle. Ask them to draw the shapes asbig as they can.2. Divide the children into four teams. Move about 20' away from the sidewalk.3. Ask a child to draw out one of the shape cards and call out the shape's name.The children on that team run to the matching shape on the sidewalk.4. Repeat until the children have drawn all the cards.5. At the end of the day, provide water and brushes to wash the shapes away.Teacher - to - Teacher Tipl Extend this activity by using masking tape to make large shapes on the ruginside.AssessmentTo assess the children's learning, consider the following:l Can the children make the connection between their index cards and teamshapes to the shapes drawn on the sidewalk?l Use the shape cards to ask individual children to name the shapes.

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