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Pussy Willow Thumbprints

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities For Children 3 to 6


pussy willows (real or photos)

black and white fingerpaint

black tempera paint




1. If possible, show the children real pussy willows or photos of them.
2. Place some black tempera paint near the base of each child's paper. Ask
the children to blow through their straws to spread the paint on the
3. If needed, help the child spread the paint by holding the paper upside
down and at angles to let the paint run.
4. Mix black and white fingerpaint together to make gray. Encourage the
children to use their thumbs to make thumbprints for the soft gray part
of the pussy willow. Note: Some children may find it easier to use their
index fingers instead of their thumbs.
Related poem The Pussy Willow Poem
I know a little pussy,
Its coat is silver-gray.
It lives down in the meadow
Not very far away.
It will always be a pussy,
It will never be a cat.
For it's a pussy willow
Now what do you think of that?
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow,
Meow, meow, meow, meow,

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