No-Spill Step Stool

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 4-Year-Olds


Small cardboard box



Magazine pictures



Clear contact paper


1. Think of several prop box themes, such as doctor/nurse, restaurant, grocery
store, pet/vet, shoe store, firefighters, hair salon, and so on.
2. Begin collecting tools and equipment related to each theme at local thrift
shops or weekend garage sales.
The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for Four-Year-Olds
General Tips
3. Place tools and equipment into empty boxes with lids. Put a label on each
box identifying its contents.
4. Hang photos or posters that represent the theme in the Dramatic Play Area.
5. Set out the prop box contents and watch the children have fun!
6. Change the area as the children's interest level indicates.
More to do
Set out books related to the prop box theme in the Library Area. Invite
community helpers to come and visit the class and talk about their jobs.
For more information on creating prop boxes for your program see:
Young Children, July 1993, by Sue Myhre, pages 6 to 11
Texas Child Care, Spring 1997, by Sue Myhre, pages 2 to 10

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